

An entirely unexplored subject

By: Luis Moya Albiol

146 pages


Empathy is a fundamental quality for our adequate functioning in society. It allows us to better understand others and helps us to successfully conduct personal relationships with friends and family. On a professional level, empathy helps us to be more sensitive to the needs and desires of our colleagues. More empathetic people are probably the happiest. Education in empathy is a path towards non-violence, favouring tolerance, social harmony and respect for others.


Luis Moya Albiol

About Luis Moya Albiol

Luis Moya Albiol is an associate professor and head of department of Psychobiology at the University of Valencia. He gained his PhD at the same university, for which he received an Outstanding Award. He teaches Psychology and Criminology and is the director of the first Master's degree in Neurocriminology. Under his leadership a team of scholars is investigating social neuroscience, based as much on the study of social stress and violence as on cooperation, neurological happiness and empathy.

He has published more than one hundred articles in scientific magazines, supervised a range of investigatory projects and doctoral theses, and is the author of the university textbook “Neurocriminología” ( Pirámide, 2015), the book of popular science “Empathy” and co­author of “Listen to your Brain”, both published by Plataforma Editorial.

He lectures in universities, associations, businesses and business schools such as ESADE. He is also notable for his contribution to popular science on television and on the radio, in specialist magazines and in the press. Empathy is a key concept in business literature, even though no book has previously given it such an in­depth treatment.

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