Sexual Intelligence

Sexual Intelligence

A book for all those who are not wholly satisfied just with having sex, but who wish to have a fuller sexual life.

By: Sonsoles Fuentes

146 pages


A book for all those who wish to understand their sexuality better, explore their own desires and real needs, their prejudices and false myths.

Sexual intelligence is  not something you are born with. It is developed and feeds on all that we make it responsible for. This is a book for all those who wish to understand their sexuality better. For those who wish to explore their own desires and real needs, their prejudices and  false myths. It is about male and female tendencies, of fears and obsessions which imprison our body and mind. A book for all those people who are not wholly satisfied just with having sex, but who wish to have a fuller sexual life of freedom and happiness. How else can we understand the term sexual intelligence?

The sexually intelligent person frees themself from a lazy attitude and digs deeper into the subject of sexuality, looking within themselves and having the courage to have a relationship with their sexual partner, accepting that we are all  absolute beginners when we touch someone else’s skin for the first time.


Sonsoles Fuentes

About Sonsoles Fuentes

A graduate of Computer Science, Sonsoles Fuentes began her professional career on the radio. She currently writes for La Vanguardia, Woman, Glamour and Sexologies. She has also participated on various t.v programmes at different times. She has published more than a dozen  books, among them Chicas Malas, Sex Confidencial, Segundas esposas, the novel, Como La Seda and several manual son sexuality and relationships. She is co-author of the best-selling, Dímelo al oído. Las mujeres cuentan sus fantasías sexuales.

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