Enjoy Life without Stress

Enjoy Life without Stress

An 8 weeks method to overcome stress

By: Andrés Martín Asuero

214 pages

Personal Development and Career

“I am delighted that Andrés decided to write this book. In my experience, a greater conscience in the work environment invariably leads to clarity, satisfaction and effectiveness.” Jon Kabat Zinn, Director of the Center for Mindfulness, Univertsity of Massachussets

We are currently going through a passionate and decisive moment in history but one which frightens many of us. Luckily,  many others dare to live fearlessly. In this book, Sergio Fernández asks us questions which will change the way we see the world. Why don’t we commit suicide? Do we already know that the best moment doesn’t exist? Are we still moaning? Do we behave like mosquitoes? Do we have work or projects? Did we learn anything from the Titanic? These are just some of the questions that will help us to lead a fuller and more meaningful life: a life without fear.


Andrés Martín Asuero

About Andrés Martín Asuero

Andrés Martín holds degrees in Biology, International Business Administration and an MBA. He studied MBSR in the Univertsity of Massachussets. At the moment, he combines corporate teaching with research in Stress Reduction, for which he received the REIDE Investigation Prize in 2005.

He is a Training Lab associate and member of the MIT’s Society for Organizational Learning. He works with companies, hospitals, universities and professional sports teams. He coaches programs on Stress Reduction, Leadership, and Change Management and Motivation.

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