Now Me

Now Me

And what if you create your own future instead of finding it?The answer is in your hands

By: Mario Alonso Puig, MD

272 pages

Personal Development

Rights sold to: Italy (Grupo Mauri Spagnol), Brazil (Livros de Safra), Portugal (Bertrand), Germany (Goldmann/Random House), Japan (Achievement).

  • First print: 25.000 copies / 15.000 sold in the first week
  • REINVENTING YOURSELF translated into 13 languages
  • The author is a key speaker in English

Now me is not a call to be arrogant, but rather the fair recognition that we are much more than we think we are. Only through recognising our true selves, that which constitutes our real being, can we think on a big scale and really live life.


What we’ve learned from medicine, psychology and philosophy can help us to find this path to fulfilment in the midst of all the uncertainty and complexity. It is concerned with a path to growth and evolution in which we are waking up to a greater awareness, an awareness defined, not so much by what we do, but by what we are.

Now me is an affirmation. It means declaring that, independently of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, each of us have decided right now, to become the architects of our own destiny.



Mario Alonso Puig, MD

About Mario Alonso Puig, MD

Mario Alonso Puig, medical specialist in General Surgery and the Digestive Apparatus, fellow in surgery at the faculty of medicine at Harvard University in Boston. Member of the Academy of Sciences of New York and of the American Association for the Advance of Science. He has dedicated a large part of his life to exploring the impact that mental processes have on making the most of our talent and state of health, energy and well-being. Speaker at HMS Talents, he has been invited by institutions such as MD Anderson Cancer Center of Houston (United States), the Global Leadership Center of INSEAD (France) and the Pythagorus University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). He currently gives conferences and delvers courses on Leadership, Communication, Creativity and Stress Management both at international as well as at a national level.

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