Mister Señor Brown

Mister Señor Brown

A novel of deft rhythms and a trail-blazing, intelligent structure which obliges the reader to continually reconsider his way of interpreting information.

By: Francisco J. Tapiador

168 pages

When Norton comes to teach at Los Angeles school he can’t possibly imagine that months later Mr Brown, the friendly and cultured teacher of Environmental Sciences and Spanish, will shoot him twice. Auburn, the director of America’s High School, Christa, the Physics teacher and Karen, the History teacher, will also see themselves involved in a murderous outbreak that no-one understands, but whose roots have been boring through the old bricks of the school for some time.

Undisguised metaphor and at the same time an almost pictorial overview of the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century, Mr Brown is a novel that questions the prejudices and assumptions of readers, challenging them at every step.


Francisco J. Tapiador

About Francisco J. Tapiador

Francisco J Tapiador [@tapiador] was born in 1973 in Valladolid. After gaining his doctorate in Physical Sciences in 2000 he went to live in England, where he spent four years dedicated to scientific research and to writing. At the age of 22 he published his first story for Difácil. In 2002 he won the the Bridport prize for English poetry. He’s published his poems in English and in Spanish in the magazines Babab and Octavo. His poetic anthology Balaje y Verdemar has been published by Renacimiento (2016). He is the author of an essay about El Quijote published by Cátedra. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Cambridge, Paris, Colorado, Oklahoma, Mannheim and the California Institute of Technology (JPL/NASA). He’s been Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, where he teaches Physics and Climate Change. He’s also a professor of Science and Contemporary Culture at UCLM’s School of Architecture.

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